2018 Hanna Sauvignon Blanc Review
I don’t know shit about this wine but I do have a niece named Hannah and that pretty much makes me an expert on this thing. I picked it up at HEB because it was on sale so let's get to goin!
Based on my extensive three minute research it appears they offer low-mid range wines with the most topping out at $65. They use obscure fruits only found on the most unreachable mountainsides to describe their wines so that irritates me slightly.
In da nose I get peach and lime. This is a citrusey carousel of flavor for sure. In da mouf I get some of that there orange tang and lemon zest with a slightly bitter finish. This one seems to go overboard on the tart - I like a little tart in my Sauvignon Blanc but not Renee Zellweger just ate a lemon whole tart.
This is a less than average wine that is meh at $20. If you're wanting to try something new OR really enjoy that citrus overload in your Sauvignon Blanc then you will no doubt really enjoy this.