2016 Famille Perrin "Nature" Côtes du Rhône Review
I apologize for taking the pictures with an original Gameboy but I was in a hotel, probably drunk and drinking this out of those small hotel plastic cups. It be what it be. This is my first natural wine (re: nonsense) so here we go!
Famille Perrin owns something very important to me (something that I reviewed recently and gave it a bzillion points) - CHATEAU DE BEAUCASTEL! I knew this and when I saw this bottle for $15, regardless of its hippie bullshit marketing effort, I had to snatch it up. I've told y'all before and I'll tell ya again - a $15 wine from Côtes du Rhône is a no brainer and you should stock the hell up!
I think it's pretty funny that people are getting boners for "natural" wine when you're basically putting poison (alcohol) in your body. The only thing worth a damn organic is milk and that's because it lasts 4 years. Anyway let's talk about this liquid. In da nose I got deep soil and pepper notes. It's like opening a bag of mulch in the summer. In da mouf I get heavy mineral tastes (a bit much) and fresh blackberries. It's a pinpoint Côtes du Rhône wine but I wasn't wild about the almost gravel-esque taste on the finish. Don't get me wrong - it's still really good but I'm picky. Fight me.
At $15 this is a must buy and would impress any simpleton you open the bottle for. You'll probably get bonus points for it being organic bullshit and French but hey I won't tell 'em it's $15 if you don't!