2012 Prunotto "Mompertone" Red Blend Review



As you all know I love Prunotto and most of the things they do. Most being the operative word here. I was a bit concerned with this bottle because my bros. over at Wine Spectator it was best until 2018. DO YOU KNOW WHAT KIND OF FUCKING ANARCHY COULD BE CAUSED BY NOT HEEDING THEIR WORDS?! READ ON TO FIND OUT!

This is an interesting bottle because it's a blend of Barbera and Syrah. I'm not use to seeing this much Syrah in Italian blends because they are usually so far up their own asses with native grapes that they I'm shocked they acknowledge anything else. After drinking this though I think Prunotto should stick to Barbaresco and Barolo...

In da nose I got blueberry, rose and a hint of chalk. The nose was pretty standard for a Piemonte wine so I thought I would just dive in like a priest into a ball pit. In da mouf I got old strawberries, raspberry jam and the bitterness of grapefruit. I'm not sure if the wine was past drinking age or just not super great. It was a bit too tangy for me and tannins were more aggressive than Kobe Bryant in a hotel.

This bottle has taught me a couple things - first, trust Wine Spectator and do not disobey them no matter what and second stick to the Barbarescos and Barolos from Prunotto. Their blending needs some work.

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