2015 Famille Perrin Muscat Beaumes de Venise Review



If you don’t like dessert wine I feel bad fo’ you son. That's all. I don't have any problems because I'm drinking bomb ass dessert wine with my bomb ass friends.

Famille Perrin can do no wrong. This is who owns Chateau de Beaucastel and they have my undying love and support. They could kidnap children and I'd probably still drink their wine. We had this over at MEGA DRINK NIGHT and this was the last alcoholic beverage on the table. This was paired with a delightful whiskey cake from...Whiskey Cake!

In da nose I got oak, a legitimate cream puff with just a hint of lemon cake thrown in there. I could smell this drink for days. In da mouf I got hazelnut, apricots and sherbet ice cream. This was every bit as delicious as I was hoping and it could not have paired better with that delicious cake.

If you're not on the dessert train you need to do it. I love these type of wines after a big meal because it's a nice way to politely, but firmly, tell your guests it's almost time to get the fuck out.

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