2015 Finca Flichman "Paisaje de Tupungato" Red Blend Review



Mrs. Bad Wine Reviews got this at Total Wine during one of her relapses along with 72 other bottles. I squinted at her when I pulled this out of the box because what the hell, woman?

I know absolutely nothing about this producer but it's a blend from Mendoza which is usually alright. It's in the sweet spot for taking a risk on cash-wise so eh.

In da nose I got a weird array of cheese, toast and fig. It smelled like I was drinking breakfast in a European hostel. Except not being murdered. In da mouf I got pomegranate, cured meat and pepper.

This was a very confusing wine with aromas and flavors that seemed to be battling for control. I wasn't wild about this wine overall so buy it if you hate my reviews.

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