2010 Colpetrone Sagrantino Review
I have never heard of the Sagrantino grape so I took an absolute chance on this $30 bottle nestled delicately in the HEB wine section. I wasn’t sure what to expect because this is from central Italy where a lot of the wine is as bland as a Sicilian’s pasta. This particular Sagrantino is from Montefalco which translates loosely as, “Falco from Starfox 64.”
As stated I had no idea what to expect so of course I did zero research on how to best prepare / enjoy this wine. I immediately popped it open, smelled it while making a HMPH face and poured it into a glass. I tasted it and it did not taste good so I turned on some Stormtide and headbanged in anger.
Upon finishing my bad wine ritual I tried the gruel again with the wife and to my utmost pleasure the wine had grasped onto the power of metal and became a kickass wine. Seriously - it was really good. After checking into this grape it is often compared with a Barolo so it definitely needs to aerate for a bit to gain full strength. It aired for roughly 30 minutes and was a completely different wine. It had a nice balance of tobacco, spice and earth and you could just feel some Italian yelling at you for loitering too long in their store.
I think this wine is a damn steal at $30 and would make a nice running out the door gift to a party. Make sure when you hand it over to the lucky receivers that you mention that it’s not a very common wine and is often compared to the Nebbiolo grape. You must say that while looking out a window with your eyes half closed. Or half open whichever you prefer. Buy it.