2016 Orin Swift Abstract Red Blend - A Hotel Review and New Mexico Sucks Ass Review
I’m traveling for work out to Carlsbad, NM so I figured it was appropriate to check out the local grocery store for their wine offerings. To my surprise, they had a very nice selection of domestic wines that I’ve not had the privilege of purchasing / trying / stealing, etc. So while perusing amongst the New Mexicans I found an Orin Swift Abstract. I found it fun that grocery stores could sell liquor here, like my LOVE STATE, Louisiana, so I made the stupid decision to read about it. Turns out getting a liquor license is crazy hard in New Mexico because they hate freedom. This led to squirreling down a rabbit hole about how shitty New Mexico is about pretty much everything and man this place fucking sucks for businesses and entrepreneurs.
I walked up with this bottle to the register to check out, which only took 39 hours, but when it was my turn the young Amish-looking lass running the 1950s style till called for BACKUP and a manager had to come check me out. I assume one of two things - either the girl was not 21 and she was not allowed to touch thine evil bottle OR she has some religious objection to the evil bottle that is going to make me streak across the hotel later. Either way - it’s silly because this is an oil-boom town and there were A LOT of people buying booze. So this trick has to step back EVERY time someone buys alcohol - this is an insanely inefficient operation and I recommend she stock shelves or some shit.
Okay back to wine. This Orin Swift Abstract is a red blend of Grenache, Petit Syrah and Syrah. I do not know the percentages but the Grenache is wildly expressive. On the nose it was overpowering with oak and smoke - at times I got an almost just-struck-a-match scent. Over an hour it seemed to mellow out to just an oak scent. In da mouf it has a strong pepper taste polished with some dried fruits. I’m probably about to offend someone with blue hair that is shaved on both sides but men will like this wine.
It’s definitely not for your average wine drinker - I think this is for someone who appreciates very different tastes in their wine and breaks from the, “BLAH BLAH BLAH FRUITS AND SHIT” taste. I appreciate the oak and pepper but not wild about the smoke sensation. As I mentioned before, give it some time to let the smoke settle (HA!) and it will be something you would enjoy in a Candlewood hotel.