2016 Domaine Brusset "Les Hauts de Montmirail" Gigondas Review



I'm always disappointed when people tell me they don’t like wine because they are choosing to never experience sexual attraction in such a powerful way like I have for these here Gigondas. "All wine tastes the same" they say. That should be a punishable offense.

This is the second Domaine Brusset wine to be reviewed on this here site and I can promise you it won't be the last.

In da nose I got a delightful fig and earth C-C-C-C-COMBO that was as Gigondas-esque as grapely possible. In da mouf I got a very strong pepper note that gave the wine a more tannic feel (even though it wasn't very tannic at all) followed by a finish of bright apples. Apples for days. We call that dapples.

You can't go wrong with a wine like this. Let it breathe for two hours and then enjoy with anything - black tar heroin, steak, Cheese Puffs, etc.

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