2011 G.D. Vajra Albe Barolo Review



I’ve been sitting on this lil’ rascal for several years and after purchasing a Wagyu New York Strip I figured WHAT THEY HELL! A beautiful wine for a beautiful piece of dead flesh.

GD Vajra was one of our stops on Italy-Wine-a-Thon 2015 and I spent most of that visit writhing in the car for a fucking horrid meal the night prior. I was only human about 12 of the minutes there but it was enough to know their wine was legit. They produce a few different Barolos - this is the Albe version. I let this aerate for about 2.5 hours.

In da nose I got chalk, soil and red currant. The nose, at first, was a bit off-putting but it calmed down once I got to know the wine a little better. In da mouf I got a delightful blueberry jam followed by some black pepper with a finish of pomegranate.

This was a weird one for me as it was extremely delightful but had so much going on that it was like a circus in ya mouth. First it was fruity then it was spicy then it was all I'M BITTER NOW, MOTHER FUCKER! It was a wine on its period. Yeah. That. Great wine - buy it.

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