Jack Daniel's Tennessee Tasters' Selection Barrel Reunion #1 Review
I had no idea this was even a thing until muh bud, Jason Greene, said "HEY DARRYL REVIEW THIS IT HAS WHISKEY AND WINE GOING ON!" I mean it was something very similar to that but I'm horrible at paraphrasing. This lil' number is aged in Red Wine Barrels so it's a near combination of two of my favorite things.
Jack Daniel's is apparently running out of shit to do so they're basically morphing into a mad scientist sticking two different species in a cage and being like, "Bang, yo." I'm always weary of these sorts of experiments because it's most likely a remedial, high ranking person with family ties to the people in charge wanting to do something whacky and everyone is scared to tell them no. But this is Bad Wine Reviews and as Lil' Jon threatens, "Y'all [bad word] must be scared to represent ya shit, ya scared [bad word] scared!" - we ain't scared to represent our shit, Lil' Jon so hold my goblet.
This is basically some whiskey thrown in a damn wine barrel. I'm not going to go into more than that. In da nostrils I got raspberries and a creamsicle. Combine the two and you get a raspberry creamsicle. There's also some licorice in there and a hint of cinnamon and possibly some nougat. In da mouf there are copious strawberries, vanilla and some Cracker Barrel syrup.
I actually liked this a lot more than I thought I would. At 90 proof it's got a bigger mouthfeel and finish that I would have expected. I wouldn't drink this around a campfire or at a Mr. Universe competition. I'd probably reserve this for a dessert whiskey and have with some cake or while sucking down some Blue Bell. Actually pour this bitch on some Homemade Vanilla and watch Tommy Boy.