Clyde May's 10 Year Cask Strength Bourbon Review
Caleb Gibson, the great Sith Lord of samples, patron saint of Gibby’s Bottle Shop in South Carolina dropkicked me this sample and I have made it my mission to drink it and review it. 'Murica.
Clyde May's wants to talk about Alabama this and Alabama that. Go to the bottom of their webpage and they're run out of yankee ass New York. Wat. Your credibility is gone, Clyde. Anyway this is their 10 year, 117 proof alleged bourbon. They mention, "...all finished with a kiss of apple." I don't know what that means but it comes across fishy to me, folks. Its production is limited so cool.
In da nose I got a very delightful combination of pecans, coffee and a hot, fresh cinnamon roll. The nose was indicative of a very high quality bourbon. In da mouf I got 4 bushels of corn, oak and just a hint of something sweet like cookie dough. It drank pretty damn hot but finished disappointingly fast.
I'm not really sure what to think of this. The overwhelming corn and oak notes for a 10 year old bourbon were a bit disappointing as I would have expected it to be a bit more mature and act its age. Instead it came across as a child in an over oaked body. If the palate had matched the drapes...I mean uhhh nose then it would have been a very high 3 for me.