Elijah Craig Small Batch Bourbon - 2019 Liquor Hut Pick Review
I’m not the biggest Elijah Craig fan in the world but I am a fan of Liquor Hut picks. They've historically been good to me so I figured, "Hey this is better than spending $30 on my kids so let's give it a shot!"
This particular pick is 10 years old and is the classic 94 proof set by the lords of Heaven Hill. The clowns that picked this bottle slapped a horse sticker on it called, "Give Me The Deats." I'm sure there is some witty ass inside joke that nobody else gets but I'm going to pretend, and spread the rumor, that they're all super into My Little Pony and one of the guys took it too far while on a horse farm in Kentucky.
In da nose I got buttercream and raisin bread while on the top of the glass I get the scent of walking into a humidor. The nose is very rich and earthy - something I've not experienced with EC before. In da mouf I got some light pear notes followed by some of Nana's Werther's. The mouthfeel was very oily and almost had a truffle oil taste / feel to it. There was that classic EC spice bite but it was very minimal.
Overall this was the best Elijah Craig pick I've had to date and was incredibly complex for 94 proof. The finish was long and balanced without any bitter aftertaste. If you somehow incorporate bourbon into your role play in bed I'd recommend this one.