Four Roses Single Barrel "Bourbon Enthusiasts" Bourbon Review
Four Roses single barrel picks are becoming the hot girls in school because everyone wants them, there's not enough and when you put your mouth on them too much you get in trouble. I mean I think that's how it goes.
This pick is out of Colorado and I'm sure this group spent a lot of time thinking really hard about a name for their squad. Shocking they landed on Bourbon Enthusiasts. WHOA. This is a OBSF recipe so yada yada. This seems to be a bit on the younger side at just over eight years so I bet the Bourbon Enthusiasts weren't so enthused. HEH.
In da nose I got two very uncommon bourbon notes which was super fun - caramel and leather. WOWZERZZZ. In da mouf I got cocoa, cinnamon and cloves. This was an average Four Roses pick but the good news is that an average Four Roses is still a way above average drink!
This is nothing to get wildly excited about but if I was in Colorado and I was a groupie of this team I would probably buy it.