Ben Milam Single Barrel Bourbon Review



Tonight we have a Ben Milam Whiskey Single Barrel Bourbon and I'm not sure if you can tell from the pictures or not but it WON DOUBLE GOLD AT SAN FRANCISCO!!! It is a Texas bourbon distilled in Blanco, TX. As soon as I opened it up it let out a "WHEEWWWWWWW DAWGIE" and started talking about how, "EVERYTHING'S BIGGER IN TEXAS" and it wanted to pose with the mini bottles and started picking on them. It even made me snap a picture holding the poor little guys up. Freakin Texas, man.

Anyway, this bourbon did indeed win double gold last year which in layman's speak means two golds. The more you know.

On the nose I get vanilla, salted caramel and tumbleweed. YOU CAN REALLY GET THAT SCENT IN A BAD WINE REVIEWS GLASS...

On the palate I'm picking up some spicy pepper and maybe cinnamon? The finish is a tad harsh - the nose is misleading as I was anticipating a little sweeter flavor. I added a couple drops of water and let it sit for a minute. The intensity was then mellowed out and overall was far more enjoyable. I definitely recommend adding a little water or a small ice cube.

This bourbon runs around $45 and would make one hell of a manhattan. I think it is priced fair considering the fact once a bourbon is deemed decent people rip their lower bodies off and replace with grocery carts so they can stock up as quickly and insanely as possible. Damn carties.

Anyway, go pick this up and add it to your collection. I stand behind it - not in front of it because it's TEXAS.

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