2018 Four Roses Single Barrel Bourbon Liquor Hut Store Pick Review
So here we are. Another day, another Liquor Hut store pick that I have thrust my money at. Liquor Hut is the Target of the booze world because it's not like you're gonna go in and not buy anything - that'd be some lame shit. So let's talk momentarily about Four Roses.
Four Roses is a distillery.
Now let's talk about the liquid in general. Four Roses has several recipes listed on their label and they are: OBSV, OBSK, OBSQ, OBSO, OBSF, OESV, OESK, OESO and OESF. The O stands for the Lawrenceburg, KY distillery. The E and B stand for the mashbill with the E being made up of 75% corn, 20% rye and 5% malted barley while the B is 60% corn, 35% rye and 5% malted barley. S stands for STRAIGHT ASS WHISKEY, HOMEY. The last letter stands for the yeast type which makes up different supposed flavors. See I can provide actual information occasionally.
ONTO THIS BOTTLE! This is an OBSV which according to the description above is "delicate fruity (pear, apricot), spicy, creamy." I can get definitely pick up the fruity and the creamy but it's certainly not as spicy as some other berbunz. In da nostrils I get lemon and figs but it's a very intense nose. It's that intense nose where your eyes almost water - in a good way. Not in the kind of way where you're chopping onions in an anchovy plant. In da mouf I get pecans and a very intense vanilla (vanilla extract esque). The best thing about this bottle is the delayed, intense mouthfeel. You don't think there's much of one at first and then BAM! Your mouth is tinglin' like I imagine Pete Davidson's nether regions are.
This is probably my favorite pick of theirs besides the 2018 OWA. While I usually encourage you to drink things how you like it I think you be fuckin' up if you're not drinking this one straight.