2013 Domenico Clerico Barbera D'Alba Review



This is the final bottle of the Darryl went to see his parents and his dad opened up 2923 bottles over an hour saga and what a bottle it is! It's really hard to go wrong with the Barbera grape so reviewing it quite the delight.

Domenico Clerico throws out some serious volume (110,000 bottles per year across 21 hectares) but their lineup consists of more than Franzia-esque garbage. They have some really solid Barolos and Langhe wines that if legally allowed I would probably bathe publicly in.

In da nostrils I get sweet raspberries and them lil' churry tomaters that ya sprinkle on ya salad. Mmmmm. In da mouf I get a nice spicy pepper followed by a mineral/earth taste that I can't put into words because I'm kind of a simpleton. I would say if you're into sweeter Piemonte expressions this isn't for you.

I implore you to put down your Keystone Light and start venturing off into this part of the world when it comes to wine. The Barbera grape and everything it yields is quite fantastic so make your way down to your local overpriced grocery store and pick some of this, or equivalent bottle, up.

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