2016 Plumpjack Syrah Review
Imma be honest real quick - I didn’t know shit about this wine but my homies at Wine Spectator did and it fell within the range worth taking a risk on. I highly recommend you watch my video on How to Pick Wine because I explain this method and it will save your life.
While I didn't know much about this wine I did know it was in the same family as Cade and that makes Darryl happier than Megan Rapinoe at a Seattle fish market. The entire family under the Plumpjack brand exudes quality so don't get too bitchy when you gotta fork out some dough - worth it!
In da nose I got fresh hay and red cherries - the earthy notes really took control. I didn't get a ton of fruit (sweetness) in these nostrils but they're probably burnt out from over indulging this weekend. In da mouf I got clove and thick, chewy chocolate. This is one of those wines you felt you were chewing on in a very nice way. If you don't like roided-out tannins then this wine is not for you - tannins for days.
I have to say I wasn't prepared for this wine because I looked on the counter and my lush-ass wife had gotten into it already so I freaked out, grabbed a glass and went to town. Chaos aside this wine is lovely and you won't regret spending the money. Enjoy this wine with some smoked meats and some port wine cheese. As one of my favorite Bad Wine Reviewers, B.J. Cruse, noted - you can drink this bitch straight out the bottle (no aerating needed).