2019 Four Roses Single Barrel Bourbon Spec's Store Pick Review
Spec’s is the liquor store darling and villain in Houston because while they supply the city with every sort of wine, spirit, and beer imaginable they are hoggers of all things allocated. They got two (for now) picks of Four Roses single barrel which is quite the feat.
This dude is an OESV which is described as "Delicate Fruity, Fresh, Creamy." What that means is it is very sensitive to criticism but is always up to date with pop culture. Maybe frosts its tips too. This one comes in at 62.6% alcohol (yum) and is roughly 11.5 years old in them barrels.
In da nose I got berries, vanilla and some oak. The berries came through very clear so was thinking this was gonna be a fruit bomb - nope. In da mouf I got coffee, bitter cocoa and hazelnut.
This is probably my least favorite Four Roses Private Select that I have tried. It was a bit too far in the earth / bitter world of bourbon and I was definitely expecting something a bit more balanced with fruit and fancy. I do recommend, per Todd Grube's suggestion, adding some water as it reduces the suck. Try if you want but meh.