Jack Daniels Single Barrel - Poison Girl Barrel Proof Review



This lava in a glass was provided by a Bad Wine Reviews patron who wanted to watch me choke down 134.6 proof sans water to get the full effect. Well I did and now I need a larynx replacement so if you're looking to donate holla atcha boy!

I have to admit I've not been a big Jack Daniels fan - their standard Jack Daniels Old No. 7 tastes like stinging needles coated in rubbing alcohol and the only way to choke it down is to coat it in corn syrup in a can. Then I discovered store picks and and the Jack Daniels Single Barrel program. This particular pick was offered up at Tony K's Home of Fine Spirits courtesy of the brilliant minds of Poison Girl.

I stuck my big ol' nose in the glass and usually I can get some sort of feel for how violent a spirit is going to be going down. All I picked up was delightful notes of vanilla and coffee tricking me into diving right on in.

As stated I tried this napalm without water first to get the full effect and through the school girl screams I actually rather enjoyed the honey and rose flavors. The mouthfeel was incredible and your entire mouth was coated in the oily texture of deliciousness. Once I recovered, I added some water and let it chill out.

A cap full of water is all this needed to become brilliant. The flavors became more pronounced, the mouthfeel maintained its command and there was 80% less dying involved. While it is probably not possible to get your hands on this I highly recommend you find someone with a bottle and do street stuff to get you a sample. Absolutely outstanding and I applaud those involved who chose such a delightful barrel.

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