2017 11 Minutes Rose Review
I wish I would have taken a picture of my face when I opened the cork because it was ghastly. It smelled like it was going to be sweet tea and coca-cola sugar contents packed into a wine bottle. I let it chill TF out and once it calmed down we chatted.
This wine has aspirations to be at parties and consumed by suburban moms talking about how their pool guy hasn't shown up on time in 3 weeks so they might switch companies but not before they go on yelp for reviews. Anyway, the notes are calm fruits like melon and lime - nothing outrageous.
While of course I purchased it to review I was intrigued as it is an Italian wine and the Italians are as stubborn as Elon Musk trying to offload a submarine. Italians tend to stick to the same routine and aren't exactly known for their rosé - I would know because I am 25% Italian and therefore an expert.
The taste was much better than I anticipated. Not as dry as I prefer but not bad. It still boasted fruity notes but was cool like the bass player for [name a jazz band].
I think the price is a hell of a value as MOST rosé $10 more won't be worth it. Certainly a nice warm weather wine or something you can drink while complaining your plantation shutters are delayed by three weeks. These guidos did well so you should pick it up and give it a try!