2016 Lodi Estates Cabernet Sauvignon Review



Here's another short one, folks. This is a $20 Cab from Lodi Estates that is just kinda not real good. I've been on a kick lately of trying to venture out and give wines with no history a shot and it's bitten me in the ass twice now and I've basically pissed on $40. Watch my how to pick wine video HERE and don't do what I did.

Lodi Estates is a super small winery that is part of a bigger wine network called Oak Ridge Winery. Allegedly they focus on producing high quality Cabernet and Chardonnay but I'm still waiting on that apparently.

Straight out of the bottle the wine has a distinct cheese / funk smell that is slightly off-putting. My wife winced and she normally tries to give wine a chance unlike me who wants to chuck an immediately non-pleasing bottle through the wall. We gave it some time to air but that odor never really subsided.

In da mouf it was incredibly tart like someone had mixed in some unripe raspberries. Time did make this calm down slightly and the texture was oddly non-existent. Overall it just wasn't a great wine.

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