2015 Trimbach Gewurztraminer Review
Let's be real. Most of y'all don't even know what the hell this wine is or how to even pronounce it. What we have here is a grape variety that tends to grow better in cooler conditions so the Germans were like, "OOOHHH JAHHHH! Mozt of our vines are gawbage zo ve vinally have ze vine for sheety Germahn veather!" The funny thing is this particular wine is French so LOL on you German turds.
Trimbach apparently has been making wines since the 1600s which for all you millennials can be classified as "a really long time ago." This vintner hails from the Alsace region of France which produces some excellent white wines (e.g. Riesling, Pinot Blanc, Sylvaner, etc.) that if given the chance you should check out.
In da nostrils, this wine had notes of pear and honey. You think it's going to be an absurdly sweet wine but au contraire! In da mouf, you get a flowery taste with some sweet tarts (no joke!) that is just a really easy drinking wine and pairs well with most cheeses and loose women.
While I know most of you Keystone Lighters won't pick this up I implore you to broaden your horizons and drink it while driving your 2009 Dodge Neon.