2016 Trefethen Dragon's Tooth Red Blend Review



Dragon’s tooth. I know, right? I’m picturing some dude making wine in his parent’s basement taking his creative inspiration from the unplayable board games that take 34 hours to learn and longer to set up. My buddy, Andrew recommended this from our grocery store and like most recommendations thrown my way I squint and try to come up with an elaborate diversion (lie) as to why I don’t need it. I was slightly hungover so I caved.

I gathered my other goods and made my way to the register to be greeted with a price tag of FIFTY DOLLARS WAT! WAT IS HAPPENING?! Well I can’t put it back because then people will look at me weird and then it will be a whole thing. So I sighed and paid for it.

I’ve had a grudge against this bottle since then and I was finally conned by my wine loving wife to open it. In protest I pouted while removing the cork - until I took a whiff of the contents. I’ve never been backstage of a Victoria Secret show but I imagine it smells pretty good - this doesn’t smell like that at all but more like a hellaciously good wine. Bold notes of plum and blackberry immediately became prevalent and that bitch was ready to drink.

On the palate the notes came out stronger and there was even some pepper mixed on in. My wife and I set up our Gladiators obstacle course to see who would get more of it. A lot of people think it’s for kinky games but it’s for figuring out who gets more of the better wines. We’re in for other people joining but you have to bring your own safety gear.

Anyway, this wine is really incredible and worth every bit of the $50 price tag. You keep going back for more - I would enjoy this wine with some sushi of the tuna variety or some tuna tartare to really let this wine be the best it can be.

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