2016 Shift Sonoma County Red Blend Review



This may have been the dumbest damn thing I ever purchased because I was intrigued at the stupid ass design, Rhone-ish blend and price. Please don't do what I did. Trust your instincts and your purchasing practices. I'm an animal.

This is my first wine from Adobe Road Winery and apparently they are owned by guys who like to go fast in cars with advertising all over them. This would explain the absurd label because car guys are just as fucking weird. What's weird, but fascinating, is the blend of 35% Zinfandel, 30% Barbera, 13% Grenache, 12% Petite Sirah and 10% Carignane. I haven't had a blend like this so let's dig right on in.

In da nose I got blueberry and soily goodness - the Barbera and Grenache really came out here. In da mouf I got red cherry, rich tobacco and a nice finish of oak.

For all my shit talking this was pretty damn good. I was wondering how the high Zin content would mesh with the Rhone-ish blend but it was delightful with that front forward cherry. They got along better than Demi Lovato and a spoon - a must try if you're in for something fun, unique and probably way overpriced.

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