2016 Faust Cabernet Sauvignon Review
I happened to be in HEB when this little thang went on sale for $40 and I decided to take a chance on this shockingly calm labeled bottle. The normal release price is between $50 - $60 so either it sucked or someone along the HEB - distributor - producer chain made somebody mad.
Faust produces a variety of wines with this being their lowest offering. That's fine - I ain't fancy. There's not much on their website about who they are which is great because I don't care!
In da nose the first thing I noticed was this giant herbal aroma. It was like getting hit in the face with a giant tit that had rosemary sprinkled on it, ya know? Also in the nose were dark fruits like plums and such. In da mouf I got roasted peppers, green olives with a finish of tart cherries. I'm telling y'all I'm not making this shit up - STRAIGHT UP ROAST PEPPAS!
I love this wine. Love it. It's different but has very unique, pleasant notes all the way through. It's balanced very nicely with medium tannins and a velvety mouthfeel. It's nice to get a surprise once in a while - I mean not like a kid you didn't know about or a C on your hepatitis test - but a beautiful wine you weren't expecting.