Bad Wine Reviews Visits The Nice Winery
I’ll keep this one short and sweet. Bad Wine Reviews and guests visited the The Nice Winery over in Houston for a quick afternoon of wine tasting, snacking and most importantly wine buying. We were treated to the wine maker, Ryan, walking us through his lineup and talking about the process of each one.
Although Nice makes 20+ wines we only tasted through five because we needed to function the rest of the day…allegedly. Provided with the tasting was charcuterie consisting of various cheeses, meats and GLUTEN FREE CRACKERS FOR THE WEAK! Nice Winery prides itself on organic, sustainable wines that are free of things that give you headaches. They’d rather too much wine do that on its own. We tasted through the following wines sitting way too close to each other on couches:
100% Sauvignon Blanc,
Pinot Noir Rosé,
100% Malbec,
Notorious Malbec and
Mount Veeder 100% Cabernet Sauvignon.
Quick rundown:
Sauvignon Blanc - one of my favorites to sip on in the summer as it’s wildly refreshing and an easy drinking wine (you can read my review of it here); Best with: Cheetos
Pinot Noir Rosé - I’m not a huge fan of Pinot Noir Rosé and while this one is very drinkable it’s just not my favorite. My wife loved it though! Best with: Burnt bacon.
Malbec - this is an extremely bold wine that hits some great fruit notes and I’m pretty sure we came home with a few bottles. The nose on this thing is pure jam. Best with: Totino’s Pizza Rolls
Notorious Malbec - earthy notes with a calmer fruit - this is a great wine! Best with: Oregano
Mount Veeder Cab - loved it! This is an awesome wine from high altitude mountain vineyards where the soil is just soaked up - this my jam. Best with: A trial separation
What came of this you ask? WHY SHOULD YOU COME TO A BAD WINE REVIEWS EVENT? Well several individuals signed up for their wine club, took home some great wine and were able to see more of what Nice has to offer. One of the cool things is they sell a lot of the wines that are offered in their wine club - yes! They sell other people’s wines too that they want to promote also in the game of organic and sustainability.
We’ll see y’all at the next event! Cheers!