Things to Know at a Wine Tasting Event


Wine tasting can be a very intimidating thing if you don’t know what you’re doing. I remember the first time I went to a higher class wine tasting - I spent so much of the night worried if I was doing the right thing, making the right comments or making a fool of myself giving the reps my take on what they were pouring. Now that I’m several years in to this alcoholics not-so-anonymous thing I realized that a tasting is just that - a tasting! You’re there to taste wine and see what you like.

However, there are some intricacies that will make your experience a little better. I’ve broken down some things for you to do, or not do, at your next wine tasting event.

#1 - Finger Your Wine

Alright - get the laughs out now. One of the things most winos don’t tell you is that when you’re at a nice wine event you should get the “feel” of your wine by dipping your index and middle fingers, pressed tightly together, into the wine to determine how the wine adheres to the skin. A better wine will feel viscous against your fingers while a lesser wine will feel like shitty Aquafina water. For European wine tasting be sure to use your left hand.

#2 - Do Not Make Eye Contact with Pourers

A common misconception at a wine tasting is that the reps that are pouring the wine are there to be a part of the experience. An Italian / Mediterranean practice during wine tasting is to act as if the pourers are not there. This creates a more intimate experience with the wine. The Italian phrase, “bere come se nessuno stesse guardando” means “drink as if nobody is watching” is a common expression and will often be found on wines from the Tuscan region.

#3 - Eating During or Between Tastings is a Faux Pas

While you will normally see hors d'oeuvres at an American wine tasting it’s actually considered poor etiquette to stop and grab a bite during the tasting. Many foreign wine makers will view this as barbaric as their art is what is on display - not your shitty goat cheese from Wisconsin. The emptier the stomach the better feel you will have for your wine and you’ll be amazed at what flavors you can pick out when you’re fully dedicated to the grape!

#4 - Pause Between Sips to Publicly Announce the Notes

Although you won’t notice them there the vintners are almost always walking around staged as patrons to take in what people are saying. While occasionally they may hear something unflattering they are accustomed to taking the bad with the good. After each sip take a long, deep breath in then exhale audibly. At this point state what note came to you immediately - don’t think too long. The first note is always the most powerful so exclaim it and others may chime in with their thoughts.

#5 - Be Up Front if You Plan to Purchase No Wine

Many of the vintners or reps at the tasting know you’re not there to purchase any wine. It’s best to just get this fact out into the open as you taste because that tension can be immediately alleviated. As you walk up to the tasting area be sure to mention you’re only there to get an idea of what you like but you can’t commit to buying just yet. Ensure most of the reps can hear you or make your way around making it clear of your intentions. You’ll notice you’re getting a different treatment than others in attendance and that will give you a much needed confidence boost.

I hope these tips are helpful to you and that you practice them the next time you’re at a tasting. Leave me a comment and let me know if this improved your experience. Now get to tasting!

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