Willett 14 Year Bourbon Review
As I’ve written many (many many) times before some of my greatest drinkventures are experienced when having a bit too much of the liquid demons. I returned to Louisville recently and stumbled my way back to Haymarket which features one of the best selections of whiskey I have experienced. They have everything from pre-WWII rye to the latest release of whatever Buffalo Trace is shoving down the pipe. I decided to check out their oldest Willett offering – a 14 year siren calling me to the rocks.
I haven’t had a ton of Willett products while on this odyssey so I’m still trying to figure them out like 7th grade adolescents at a school dance. It’s as, if not more, awkward and nobody still wants to dance with me. Most of you are probably familiar with the gargoyle nocturnal emission that is their pot still but these age stated releases are what makes the whiskey community weak in the knees. I haven’t had a Willett this old yet so was super excited to get into it.
In da nose there was this intoxicating grapefruit aroma that I kept smelling over and over while yelling at anyone near me to smell it. Once the excitement of the wannabe-orange subsided there were warm notes of cinnamon and butter cream swirling about in a perfectly balanced manner. In da mouf I got an immediate peppermint note that melded into spices and herbs. It was a battle between the two but nobody ever won – except me. The finish was full of figs – so much so that I was able to open a fig stand and sell people non-existent fig jam.
This was one of the best bourbons I’ve had and it was only pouring for $65 per 1.5 oz. which is actually a pretty solid price. I happened to kill the bottle so I may have gotten a bit more than I should have but it was probably because I was being super fly and talkin’ mad game (my wife is a lucky lady). There was absolutely no indication of being over-oaked and was what bourbon should strive to be. I have no idea where you can find it but at $215 it's not for everyone. If you got it then get it!