2019 Four Roses Single Barrel Bourbon Liquor Hut Store Pick Review



Liquor Hut doesn’t even have to try at this point because I’m just giving them my money. Their picks are just really damn good that's all there is to it.

Four Roses is still a distillery. See last review here.

Now let's talk about the liquid in general. Four Roses has several recipes listed on their label and they are: OBSV, OBSK, OBSQ, OBSO, OBSF, OESV, OESK, OESO and OESF. The O stands for the Lawrenceburg, KY distillery. The E and B stand for the mashbill with the E being made up of 75% corn, 20% rye and 5% malted barley while the B is 60% corn, 35% rye and 5% malted barley. S stands for STRAIGHT ASS WHISKEY, HOMEY. The last letter stands for the yeast type which makes up different supposed flavors. See I can provide actual information occasionally.

ONTO THIS BOTTLE! This is an OBSQ which according to the description above is "Slightly Fruity, Spicy, Medium Body." I'm not getting so much fruit but I am getting some of the spice. In da nostrils I get peanut butter, honeycomb and cinnamon raisin bread. The nose is overwhelmingly peanut butter and honeycomb - the raisin bread I had to search for. In da mouf it's straight ass Golden Graham's, y'all. Seriously. All day errday. Can't stop won't stop. The mouthfeel is average for this proof.

This dude sold out real quick like and I get why. Fantastic bottle and hypetastic per usual. I would say go buy it BUT YOU CAN'T HA!

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