2016 Silverado Sauvignon Blanc Review



So our good friend Kelly reached out to BWR and said, "Aye bruh, review some non-pompous stuff that is real good!" - paraphrased of course. So I decided to start a mini-series of reviews called, Kelly's Picks - fantastic wine under $20.

The first wine for review is from one of my favorite American vineyards - Silverado (I reviewed the Solo a while back). This sauvignon blanc is an easy drinking, crisp summer wine that pairs brilliantly with guacamole, queso and fajitas! As noted it hates the French and their super rich food.

On the nose I get grapefruit and other citrus-ey scents. I get cantaloupe and lime on the taste - there is a little bit of tart on the finish but not enough to be unpleasant.

This is a great wine for drinking slightly chilled (50-55 F) outside or for pouring an Olive Garden size glass to wind down after work because Eric and Sharon teamed up to make your idea seem like it was theirs. Dicks.

At $17 it's definitely a great buy and if you don't finish it in one night don't fret! DON'T FRET, KAREN! You can put the cap back on and stick in the fridge and it will still be good for 2ish days. Give it a try and let me know what you think!

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