2016 Noble Vines 337 Cabernet Sauvignon Review



This wine was recommended by a LOYAL member of the Bad Wine Reviews Facebook family so I went out and snagged it at the local stow to give it the BWR treatment. Over the past few months I’ve been all over the place in terms of price points and types of alcohol that it’s sometimes nice to get a, “HEY TRY THIS OKAY!” so that I don’t have to take the fall if something is really bad. JK JK! I like reviewing things that get recommended - that’s what makes this really fun.

I know absolutely nothing about this vintner and have not had any other wines by them. Their website has the standard black and white photos of guys looking at either wine glasses or barrels to describe their staff. I don’t like reading what they (any vintner) have to say about their wine - but you should be interested what I have to say about their (any vintner) wine.

On the nose this wine comes off far less sweeter than I anticipated. Typically in less expensive Cabs you get a nose full of overly sweet fruits that take over what the wine is supposed to be - wine. This bottle was actually pretty calm and I picked up some candied apple scents because that’s probably a sign of cancer that I’m ignoring.

The taste was slightly unusual as it had an almost coffee flavor that became rather sweet on the finish (let’s pick a sweet fruit uhhhhh chocolate covered bananas). To be honest, frank and Darryl this is an average wine that is great if you’re just in the mood to have an average drink. I’ve had far worse wines at this price point and although I enjoyed it there was nothing screaming at me that I LOVED this or LOVED that. And that’s ok! Sometimes it’s nice to have a wine that isn’t an experience - sometimes you just wanna get a little fucked up watch Bob’s Burgers.

Anyway - if you’re in the mood for a lower cost, good tasting wine then go get you some of this Noble Vines 337.

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