2017 Decoy Sauvignon Blanc Review
It’s been a parsec (IT’S DISTANCE NOT TIME) or two since I’ve done a Kelly’s Pick writeup but I’ve been experimenting with some of the hidden red gems of my local HEB. I’ve been scurred to try the Decoy brand because meh but then I learned it’s part of the Duckhorn family and that’s hysterical. I’m sure the meeting they had to name this secondary brand was a blast and they win a few points from me for creativity.
This would be the first bottle I’ve had from Decoy and I always hope for a good first impression. I cleaned up the house a bit, made sure the wine glasses were spotless and that I didn’t have ramen breath. In my promise to be fully transparent I had every anticipation that this would be a less-than-average wine because of snobbery.
The nose on this wine was very crisp like it had just seen Beverly Hill’s best plastic surgeon. It was ripe with cantaloupe and citrus scents which was a great start. Shockingly I then tasted it so I could describe to you what was going on. I know this is a bit silly but it had an almost lemonade taste but not ridiculously sweet. The flavor was bold and buttery - far more so than I would have expected at $16.
This is a hell of a pickup if you’re into white wines. Too often, inexpensive sauvignon blancs are overly tangy with that just-ate-a-warhead (Y’ALL MEMBER THAT SOUR DEMON CANDY?!) sensation but this was a delightfully balanced bottle. This will get me to scamper into some of Decoy’s other offerings but I will not hesitate to turn on them in a heartbeat should they disappoint.